“River’s Edge,” written by St George Island resident Rob Pierce, is a drama with comedic elements. The stage play, which also incorporates live musical performances, transports the audience to 1950’s Apalachicola. Irene and Raymond Simmons have moved to Apalachicola from Tulsa, Oklahoma and are owner/operators of a bar called River’s Edge. Their lives are changed forever by good friends, secrets, and the greed of those who believe ends justify means.sical performances, transports the audience to 1950’s Apalachicola. Irene and Raymond Simmons have moved to Apalachicola from Tulsa, Oklahoma and are owner/operators of a bar called River’s Edge. Their lives are changed forever by good friends, secrets, and the greed of those who believe ends justify means.
Come enjoy live music with locally created desserts. One of a kind event.