JSL Women's Diagnostic Center Pink Party

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Name: JSL Women's Diagnostic Center Pink Party
Date: April 22, 2023
Time: 9:00 PM - 11:55 PM EDT
Event Description:
The Junior Service League of Port St Joe is hosting a fundraiser for the expansion of the Women's Diagnostic Center at Sacred Heart on the Gulf, and we would love your support. The mission of the Junior Service League is to serve the Women and Children of Gulf County, and this year, our focus is serving women!
Going in for a mammogram or ultrasound can be stressful, with or without a diagnosis. This expansion of the Women's Diagnostic Center will make the experience more private and comfortable. Early detection can make all the difference for cancer survival, so having these resources available to our community can save lives.

There are 4 ways to support our efforts:
1. Attend the Black and White formal. It is a ticketed event on April 22nd, starting at 5:30pm Eastern. Dress in your finest black and white and join us for a 3-course surf and turf dinner catered by The View on Old 98. Each table group will decorate their table themed in a different color representing a type of cancer affecting women. Enjoy live music while you eat and drink, bid on auction items, and compete for the best decorated table. Seating is limited, so get your tickets now! $1,000/table (8 tickets) or $125 each. Tickets are available at Magnolia's Boutique.

2. Attend the Pink Party. There is no cover for this event on April 22nd, starting at 9pm at Tap Root in Port St Joe. Dress in your most fun pink attire, dance to live music, play our wine pull, and buy the signature pink drink.

3. Shop our online auction to win great prizes, open to anyone who wants to bid. For the link visit our Facebook page, or email jslpsj@gmail.com requesting the link.

4. Donate or sponsor! Donate on our Facebook or in person at both events. Sponsorships are on a first come basis.
Tap Root, Port St Joe
Date/Time Information:
April 22nd, 9pm Eastern
Contact Information:
No cover! Just come, have fun, and give what you can
Set a Reminder:
Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.

Printed courtesy of www.gulfchamber.org – Contact the Gulf County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
321 B Reid Ave, Port St. Joe, FL 32456 – (850) 227-1223 – info@gulfchamber.org